We recognise that young people are their own individuals and therefore we tailor our support to best meet the young person's needs. We are committed to proper preparation and care planning. Every young person receiving a service has a plan that accurately reflects how their short, medium and long-term needs will be met. Our aim is that all our young people are sufficiently prepared for adult life before they leave us.
1. Young people feel safe and secure where they live and in their wider environment.
2. Young people’s voices are respected, heard and advocated for, so they can have control and choice over the support they receive.
3. Instilling confidence in the young people that the adults who support them understand, are skilled and work effectively together to best meet the young people’s needs.
4. For young people to have their own space that they can feel proud of and live in a comfortable, well maintained, and stable accommodation.
5. Receiving high-quality, tailored support that sustains the young persons health and wellbeing.
6. To have strong, trusting, and meaningful relationships within the young people’s support system and for young people to be able to rely on the adults around them.
7. For young people to feel supported to learn and apply skills for independent adult living.
8. For young people to feel positive about their future and opportunities as a result of the support they receive.
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